Saturday, June 29, 2024

7/14/24 Through 7/20/24

 7/14/24 Through 7/20/24

Although a plain and simple man,
The word of God a diff''rence can
Establish in the word he speaks
Epiphany for one who seeks.

Just doing as our Lord commands
To be His tongue, His feet, His hands
His body here on Earth we find
And cure the lame, the sick, the blind.

With nothing but the Kingdom news
We see the saint and sinner choose
To turn away from empty show
And come our Blessed Lord to know.

In Him we're chosen to believe
And all the Spirit's gifts receive.
Accomplishing His will each day
And hanging in there come what may.

No need for baggage, wealth, or fame
Just preach His Blessed Holy Name
Attentive to just where He leads
And you will see how well He feeds.

Obedient and docile find
Forgiveness opens heart and mind.
With just a willing soul like you
Our Lord can make this world anew.

Make offerings of humble praise.
The man of righteousness obeys.
Our sacrifices naught He needs
But blesses one His word that heeds.

He hears no plea from wicked men
That try to buy Him off again.
He tells them "Hear the orphan's plea".
Bring justice where it ought to be.

Don't think He came to bring you peace,
For struggle here will never cease.
Division, He will make quite clear
'Twixt those who "do" and those who "hear".

He sees right through the hollow gift,
And none that offers such will lift.
But one who offers humble praise
He shall to highest heaven raise.

Woe to you who have so much
And yet refuse to Godly touch.
You cling to all the gold you saw
But then will find no more that straw.

What mighty deeds you just ignore
And fail to King of kings adore.
Wake up and look around to find
The love of God in flesh defined.

The wicked towns of ancient times
Were filled with evil, heinous, crimes.
But if they'd seen what you have seen
Repentant souls they would have been.

Far worse for you who have it all
And still refuse his loving call
The privileged and wealthy woke
Will find you hold no more than smoke.

The childlike in wonder see
What's hidden for majority.
In total trust they hear the word,
The truth the wise have deemed absurd.

They see with clarity of mind
How love and truth are both entwined.
In everything God asks of man
And all within His mighty plan.

So make me one like that to be
A simple man with eyes to see,
A heart that's well-prepared for Thee
One rooted in reality.

Come who labor, come those weary,
Come and find His burden light.
Come when all is dark and dreary,
Yoke to Him to win the fight.

One of awesome might and power
Chose a humble babe to be.
Come to grace and mercy shower,
Come to set the captive free.

He the Savior, He Messiah,
He the truth and not a fraud.
He the King, but made pariah,
He most truly Son of God.

Never one so self-abasing,
Never one so tried and true.
Only One that Cross embracing,
One salvation's avenue.

Take this yoke upon your shoulder,
Find the burden sweet and light.
Well it fits the young and older,
Find the future warm and bright.

He cares for what the body needs
And hears the poor and sick who pleads.
His works are good in every way
No matter how they seem that day.

He turns all suffering to good
So we must trust Him as we should
His view is far beyond the eye
But suffering, we question why.

Though when we see the good it's done.
The victory through tears it won,
We beg for more to be like Him
And so the victor's crown to win.

Retreat unto the hidden place
And there absorb abundant grace.
Forgive, be healed, and find your peace
For love from God shall never cease.

The world steals our time away
So man quite often fails to pray.
Without His grace and peace of soul
We can't fulfill our given role.

We need the time in quiet still
To learn the Father's perfect will.
For there we find tranquility
By being all we're called to be.

He works through humble, poor, and weak
That ever closer always seek.
The ones who act on all they hear
In spite of weakness, doubt, or fear.

Don't let the world suck away
Your quiet peace and time to pray.
Reserve that time and persevere
For Christ our Lord is always near.

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