Sunday, May 26, 2024

6/9/24 Through 6/15/24

 6/9/24 Through 6/15/24

Naked and afraid
That day will come for all.
No hiding in the shade,
But plain to see, our fall.

No earthly lame excuses
Appease the fall from grace
But humbleness produces
A way to God embrace.

His love the fine elixir
To save the sinful man
Repentance now the fixer
According to His plan.

The all is there for taking
The only way to lose
Is foolishly forsaking
And failing life to choose.

Are you persecuted now?
Do you rejoice in this somehow?
Can you see beyond the pain,
And hope in your eternal gain?

Not many see within such light
We cower in the daily fight,
Then choose our comfort here and now
Instead of lasting life somehow.

We see with narrow focused eyes
And fall for cheap and thin disguise.
No lasting joys are here below
And yet we choose but these to know.

Lord, give me eyes to see beyond
To where the light of Christ has dawned
And recognize what's here below
As none but Satan's empty show.

For only in Your ways we find
The treasure that Your Cross has mined,
The resurrection joys of love
You hold for those who choose above.

(Feast of St. Barnabas)
Sons of encouragement many have been
Forsaking their riches, confessing their sin.
Being the helper who gets not the fame
Ardently working proclaiming God's name.

Taking the seat at the back of the class
Quiet and humble with none to surpass
All ready to do whatever needs done,
Proclaiming the glory of God's only Son.

Make me a helper quite ready like him
Who fears not to fail going out on a limb
Trusting in God every step of the way
Whatever may come at the end of the day.

If God is God, get off the fence
And then with lesser gods dispense.
There's One alone whose sacrifice
Was God for man to pay the price.

The price of sin is Truth unknown
But on the Cross True Love was shown.
His word is light and life for man,
The Truth to deepest valley span.

So, why refuse or turn away
From that alone which holds such sway,
To reach for emptiness and straw
When Truth upon the Cross you saw?

The tepid He will vomit out
Who see the Truth and then still doubt
Love crucified should be for thee
The window to the ALL we see.

At last a drenching rain shall come
When earth and sky and man succumb
To do His will and ponder well
The stories that each life can tell.

How patient He has been with me
That I not perish in the sea
Of selfishness, and greed, and lust,
But somehow found the way to trust.

A life so easy gone astray
When we abandon time to pray
We sacrifice our time with God
And choose another path to trod.

Lured by pleasure quick and fleeting
Lasting peace and joy defeating
Hooking to the train of evil
Spending time with sinful people.

Yet He calls to every person
In the drought to only worsen,
Come and see how life will flower
When, like rain, My grace I shower.

That little whispered sound may be
The voice of God that speaks to thee
Discern it as to where it leads
And type of fruit the pathway breeds.

So, don't be fooled by voices high
That promise much, but little buy.
Weed out what leads to go astray
And seek the straight but narrow way.

The cloak be cast upon me now
The call to leave behind somehow
My leisures and my labors too
And make my ALL pursuit of You

A ready, "Yes" to every word
No fond request at all deferred
But action to employ Your grace
And make this world a better place.

Disciple who ne'er turns away
Nor falters on the narrow way
But heeds Your every whispered lead
And turns to You for every need.

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