Sunday, May 19, 2024

6/2/24 Through 6/8/24

 6/2/24 Through 6/9/24

Do this in memory He said
And so declared the Holy Bread
So too, the cup of wine He shared
Is truly blood as He declared.

No longer what we see in form
But unto Christ the substance born
Matter changed by what He said
Wine to blood and body bread.

A vineyard planted there are you
To give the Master Vine His due
We owe the all of who we are
To One who's near, but seems afar.

In foolishness and pride we claim
The credit for what we became
We guard the goods that we receive
And not the Master's love perceive.

All given is for common good
And generous receivers should
Return a part of all they get
So its true source they don't forget.

Help me a humble tenant be
And see that all I have's from Thee,
Then freely give from that produced
And get from God another boost.

Grow in knowledge, grow in grace
Grow in wisdom, Love embrace.
Be forewarned for you are fed
That you must grow, or you'll be dead.

His patience is salvation now,
But soon enough all creatures bow
To He who made the Earth and sky
And evermore is drawing nigh.

He sent His Son to show the way
To perfect peace and love obey
The choice is clear, but don't delay
For that we hold shall all decay.

The flame must not be left to die
But fanned and fueled to reach the sky
Dispelling darkness, giving light
Forever shining, ever bright.

Not dimmed by cowardice and fear
But boldly claiming, Christ is near.
The Spirit comes to those who thirst
Thus freeing those by sin coerced.

So be not timid, weak, or shy
And nevermore the Lord deny
But let your love and self-control
Inspire and increase the roll.

Be not ashamed of what you learned
But let men see how Christ has burned
Within your heart to suffer well
And so, the Gospel story tell.

Just the two are quite enough
To every sinful act rebuff.
The love of God, and neighbor too
Will make a saintly man of you.

Oh, teach me in such simple ways
To learn to love throughout my days
To give of self in sacrifice
And so, the love of God entice.

To turn away from judgment rash
And tap into Your mercy's cache
To see in others all the good
And love them all as Jesus would.

Take no offense at pointed speech,
But long endurance let me reach
In others let Me clearly see
That Christ is present there for me.

Came blood and water from His side
That precious ever-flowing tide
I waded where twas ankle-deep,
He beckoned me, "Come further keep."

About my knees, the stream would flow
And bit by bit I came to know
What flowed was Living Water's fine
To bless change and bless this heart of mine.

By now, the water reached my waist
A mighty stream in rushing haste
To spread the love of Christ out-poured
Among the lost and helpless horde.

Beyond that point, no man could tread
For deep, and far, and wide it spread
To water hot and sun-dried land
And bring to life the desert sand.

One Heart began this mighty flow
That all the men on Earth should know
His love is deeper, wider still
And ready thirsty hearts to fill.

If all is kept within the heart
The soul He calls shall not depart
We look and see His hand so clear
In all the times we hold so dear.

But all throughout this walk we've made
He daily called and daily bade
To give the all we have to give
And find the greatest way to live.

The heart so pure and undefiled
Who bore the Holy Infant Child
Did such a thing and so became
Immacu;ate of Heart her fame.

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