Saturday, June 29, 2024

7/14/24 Through 7/20/24

 7/14/24 Through 7/20/24

Although a plain and simple man,
The word of God a diff''rence can
Establish in the word he speaks
Epiphany for one who seeks.

Just doing as our Lord commands
To be His tongue, His feet, His hands
His body here on Earth we find
And cure the lame, the sick, the blind.

With nothing but the Kingdom news
We see the saint and sinner choose
To turn away from empty show
And come our Blessed Lord to know.

In Him we're chosen to believe
And all the Spirit's gifts receive.
Accomplishing His will each day
And hanging in there come what may.

No need for baggage, wealth, or fame
Just preach His Blessed Holy Name
Attentive to just where He leads
And you will see how well He feeds.

Obedient and docile find
Forgiveness opens heart and mind.
With just a willing soul like you
Our Lord can make this world anew.

Make offerings of humble praise.
The man of righteousness obeys.
Our sacrifices naught He needs
But blesses one His word that heeds.

He hears no plea from wicked men
That try to buy Him off again.
He tells them "Hear the orphan's plea".
Bring justice where it ought to be.

Don't think He came to bring you peace,
For struggle here will never cease.
Division, He will make quite clear
'Twixt those who "do" and those who "hear".

He sees right through the hollow gift,
And none that offers such will lift.
But one who offers humble praise
He shall to highest heaven raise.

Woe to you who have so much
And yet refuse to Godly touch.
You cling to all the gold you saw
But then will find no more that straw.

What mighty deeds you just ignore
And fail to King of kings adore.
Wake up and look around to find
The love of God in flesh defined.

The wicked towns of ancient times
Were filled with evil, heinous, crimes.
But if they'd seen what you have seen
Repentant souls they would have been.

Far worse for you who have it all
And still refuse his loving call
The privileged and wealthy woke
Will find you hold no more than smoke.

The childlike in wonder see
What's hidden for majority.
In total trust they hear the word,
The truth the wise have deemed absurd.

They see with clarity of mind
How love and truth are both entwined.
In everything God asks of man
And all within His mighty plan.

So make me one like that to be
A simple man with eyes to see,
A heart that's well-prepared for Thee
One rooted in reality.

Come who labor, come those weary,
Come and find His burden light.
Come when all is dark and dreary,
Yoke to Him to win the fight.

One of awesome might and power
Chose a humble babe to be.
Come to grace and mercy shower,
Come to set the captive free.

He the Savior, He Messiah,
He the truth and not a fraud.
He the King, but made pariah,
He most truly Son of God.

Never one so self-abasing,
Never one so tried and true.
Only One that Cross embracing,
One salvation's avenue.

Take this yoke upon your shoulder,
Find the burden sweet and light.
Well it fits the young and older,
Find the future warm and bright.

He cares for what the body needs
And hears the poor and sick who pleads.
His works are good in every way
No matter how they seem that day.

He turns all suffering to good
So we must trust Him as we should
His view is far beyond the eye
But suffering, we question why.

Though when we see the good it's done.
The victory through tears it won,
We beg for more to be like Him
And so the victor's crown to win.

Retreat unto the hidden place
And there absorb abundant grace.
Forgive, be healed, and find your peace
For love from God shall never cease.

The world steals our time away
So man quite often fails to pray.
Without His grace and peace of soul
We can't fulfill our given role.

We need the time in quiet still
To learn the Father's perfect will.
For there we find tranquility
By being all we're called to be.

He works through humble, poor, and weak
That ever closer always seek.
The ones who act on all they hear
In spite of weakness, doubt, or fear.

Don't let the world suck away
Your quiet peace and time to pray.
Reserve that time and persevere
For Christ our Lord is always near.

Monday, June 24, 2024

7/7/24 Through 7/13/24

 7/7/24 Through 7/13/24

That they might know You speak to me,
I pray my soul might ever be
A one that's humble, weak, and graced,
All trust and care within You placed.

One with no grandeur, pomp, or state
But one to always celebrate
How God provides our every need
And expectations all exceed.

The weak are strong, the last are first,
The little infant gently nursed.
All trust is placed in God alone
And those in desert drink from stone.

Lure me on, then fill my heart
And never let Your love depart
Let me be a smitten one
To ne'er turn back from that begun.

A simple touch to heal the soul
A tassel drop to make me whole
A hand reached out in humble plea,
Oh, Lord be merciful to me.

Arise, He calls to little ones
For in His presence evil runs.
So, fill your time with Him revealed
And let your maladies be healed.

There's One and only One for me,
The God of gods who made us free.
All other gods of man's desire
Are destined for eternal fire.

I pray to be one strong and true
One totally in love with You.
One willing to endure the pains
That lead to everlasting gains.

A one to see beyond the shell
And boldly all the Gospel tell.
That all may see the brilliant light
And step away from darkest night.

I pray for strength in time of need
To proudly scatter precious seed,
And water with a gentle flood,
If necessary, with my blood.

I know I'm weak and cowardly,
But if Your Spirit dwells in me,
He uses humble, weak, and flawed
To lead the pagans back to God.

A laborer, I want to be
To gather harvest rich for Thee,
To bring the sheaves rejoicing in
And so, a crown of glory win.

Proclaim the Kingdom here and now
Before the One and only, bow.
The Timeless enters time today,
He hears and answers when we pray.

Don't try to make Him form to you
He's pure and good, and all that's true.
The key is that we turn His way
Abandoning what turns astray.

Our happiness is Him alone
His death, for man, did all atone.
So model what the King would do
And find your resurrection too.

Forgiven, freed, and made anew
This life of love was meant for you.
The gift of self we give away
Brings happiness for which we pray.

How well beloved by God is man
Since ever was that time began
In pride, we turn away from Him
But find alone, we cannot swim.

You stoop each time to rescue man
And so, the dark abyss to span.
Yet still we fail Your love to see
And turn again away from Thee.

Oh, shield us from Your blazing flame
And call the poor and weak by name
To turn and see what lies above
If we embrace Your cross of love.

What can we show to save our souls,
What in our triumph, God extols?
The works of man how great they be
Are but a trifle unto Thee.

The fortunes earned and houses built
Are but a harbinger of guilt
The toys amassed in pleasure sought
No peace or joy have ever bought.

How long before we see the light,
For His the power and the might.
Return with humble words and see
The Lord be merciful to thee.

Oh holy fear, let God arise
In darkness open wide my eyes
For woe is me when You  I see
Oh God, be merciful to me.

So cleanse my lips and purge my soul
Obedience my greatest goal
Then send me where Your will desires
To you alone my heart aspires.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

6/30/24 Through 7/6/24

 6/30/24 Through 7/6/24

We're made for life and not for death
By God alone we take each breath
He came that we might have it full
And turn away from evil's pull.

Arise He calls and live again
Let not the darkness ever reign
The Lord of life has come to Earth
To bring His people second birth.

Oh, you who never think of God
And then to wickedness give nod
You say one thing, another do
And cast His ways in back of you.

All discipline for you despised
The truth in all your words disguised
You hurry on in evil ways
And never turn your lustful gaze.

Because you trample down the weak
And crush the ones that daylight seek
The axe that felled the mighty trees
Will leave you naked on your knees.

Not one escapes, to all it comes
For evil men that day becomes
A day most dreaded, filled with fear
When He, the Crucified draws near.

So, turn around before that day
Be humble and begin to pray
Admit your wrong and make it right
To thus avoid the endless night.

Prepare to meet your God today.
Would now look good as your last day?
If not, you need to turn around
And let the proper path be found.

But those with Jesus in the boat
Regardless if they stay afloat
Have none to fear from wind and sea
When they've been walking close to He.

Don't wait for storms to come your way
To call on Him to light your way
The light you gain when seas are low
Must be your faith when storm winds blow.

Don't waste the time before the storm
And fail to evil ways reform
For those He meets without the key
Of faith will find an angry sea.

"My Lord, and my God" are the words of his fame,
And after that point was proclaiming His name
Probing hands with his fingers and side with his hand
He offered himself to His every command.

The Lord of all lords, and the King of all kings
A faith to the faithless, and doubters He brings.
If they are but open and ready to hear
Encounters as such will cast out every fear.

But action must come, or encounter shall wane.
Without moving forward, there's nothing to gain.
His will is for action to spread far and wide
Christ is arisen!  It can't be denied!

We must repent to save our land
And follow well the Lord's command
So blest this land for many years
But evil grows and judgment nears.

Our independence, meant for good
Our flag, for righteousness, once stood.
The rights for all we so pursued
But now the weakest ones exclude.

The lifting of downtrodden men
A goal among the founders when
Our nation was in infancy
But not in what it's come to be.

Today, in plenty, greed abounds
And still the call for "freedom" sounds
But "freedom" to partake of sin
And never let correction in.

So proud, we think that now we can
Invent a truth for every man
Refusing thus to bend the knee
Regardless of reality.

Such nation cannot long endure
A reckoning shall come for sure
If we don't turn and toe the line
We'll surely face a wrath Divine.

Listen now or never hear
The voice of God is sounding near
But if we hearken not we find
His speaking not so oft inclined.

The more we turn a deafened ear
The less we're likely e'er to hear.
We tune Him out and fail to see
The food He offers there for thee.

And so, amid a banquet feast
The starving soul becomes the fleeced.
The Devil laughs for all we see
Is sacrifice and misery.

But rich and juicy food is found
By those who hear the whispered sound
And act upon the Master's voice
To make His way their daily choice.

Acquired taste we soon shall gain 
And see beyond the temporal pain.
The Master's voice we come to know
And see the Devil's empty show.

Let not the famine come your way
But listen well and then obey
The more we hearken to His will
The more our lives, with joy shall fill.

Down the mountain juice shall flow
The wine of Him that all should know
Abundant gifts He gives to all
Who hear and answer well His call.

The house in ruins, He repairs
A banquet feast our Lord prepares
For those in hope, that persevere
And every word of His revere.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Thinking of Dad on His Birthday

Thinking of Dad on His Birthday
(Thomas Hennessey 6/8/1915 - 12/22/1965 RIP)

I had a dad for nine short years 
That ended in a night of tears.
Twas on December twenty-two
He left to start his life anew.

I've always wished I knew him more,
But he was weakened in the war.
Disease and sickness took its toll
And many years of life they stole.

He taught me much in little time
And so, I pen this little rhyme
To show how much I miss that man
And try that empty void to span.

I wish I had another nine
To learn from him, and so align
My heart with his that loved the Lord
And lure of evil ways ignored.

But in my foolishness, I bit
And wandered in the thick of it.
Until the light again I saw
And conscience pricks began to gnaw.

The prayers of him, and mother too
For all their children, were not few
They opened doors for me to see
A glimpse into eternity.

I pray my children also see
That they are loved eternally
And shun the snares of evil pride
To always with our Lord abide.

6/23/24 Through 6/29/24

 6/23/24 Through 6/29/24

Just who do wind and sea obey,
But Him who over all holds sway?
He calms the sea with just a word
The heaving waves the winds have stirred.

So far beyond what man has known
The power that our Lord has shown.
In all the knowledge man has gained
The sea, by man, has not been tamed.

Fearfully and wonderfully made
Born to do what God Himself has bade
Too little that a servant you should be
But light so bright for all on Earth to see.

What e'er that men suppose this man to be
Far greater is the One, the Son of Thee.
The former may not even lace untie
Of He who comes at last from God on high.

The One must grow, the other fall
All hearing ears receive the call
Repent and learn to love all men
Then be restored to life again.

The parent's work is never done
To form a daughter, form a son
To teach in ever subtler ways
The word of God throughout your days.

The way is steep and narrow too
And those who find the way are few
Though difficult the way is found
It's no excuse to turn around.

It leads to life, but many turn
And never perseverance learn.
They walk the broad and easy way
Without a thought for "finals" day.

The Golden Rule must be your guide
For all the law has that inside.
We teach and train but never cease
To point the way to lasting peace.

A treasure buried in plain sight
The word of God that teaches right
The pages left unturned, unread
The souls of those around, unfed.

Without the word, the soul will starve
But daily reading it, we carve
A furrow where the grace can flow
And lead us to our Savior know.

Then nourished well, the thirsty seed
That on the word of God shall feed
Will bloom and grow to bear much fruit
And satisfy the soul's pursuit.

But left unturned, unread as most
With all the straw of which they boast
The wealthy with no need for You 
Find thorn and thistle all they grew.

When fire's kindled it's too late
For then is sealed eternal fate.
Unquenching flame for barren yield,
But joy and peace for fruited field.

This is the time each man must act
It's not a tip, but simple fact.
The words of Jesus point the way
That we must follow every day.

They're not just things to think about
Or pithy platitudes to spout
But ways that must be made our own
If everlasting peace be known.

Our sites too often aim too low
Avoiding work to make us grow
But Jesus gives a higher call
To be the great by being small.

Who wants to hear that sacrifice
Is what we need to pay the price?
But laziness is shifting sand
That won't withstand the storm's demand.

So we must ACT with firm resolve
To rightly this conundrum solve
It's not enough to hear the knock,
But we must ACT to build on Rock.

Sin is the blindness that reaches all men
Constrained as a captive in slavery again.
Not learning at all from the ways of the past
Without His protection, there's nothing to last.

History is clear that when evil's in bloom
There comes fast approaching, a time of great doom.
But man can be rescued from ruin and gloom
If there in his heart, for the King he makes room.

If humbly we ask that the Lord make us clean
Repentant of sin that our health will demean
He's faithful and true to restore what we lost
His mercy and love we can never exhaust.

A single day, two saints are dead
One crucified, one lost his head
A shock to shake the faithful few
But through their blood, the faithful grew

With leaders lost most armies fail
The troops, in chaos, soon derail.
But something here is not the same
For those who call on Jesus' name.

The blood of martyrs waters seed
And love unbounded, love will breed.
The worst that man can do matures
And sinner to the Savior lures.

Don't worry when the time arrives,
On total gift, the Giver thrives.
All grace He gives in time of need
That you might water well the seed. 


Saturday, June 1, 2024

6/16/24 Through 6/22/24

 6/16/24 Through 6/22/24

A tender shoot from branches high
He plants to teach and edify
To grow into a cedar strong
As shelter for a winged throng.

As scattered seed in furrow lies
Beneath a loamy rich disguise,
No sight or sound the farmer hears
And yet somehow, new life appears.

Just why it happens, no one knows
Except the One who makes what grows.
In such as these the Lord provides
And such as these a mystery hides.

Your heritage is not for sale
In terms of wealth, all riches pale.
Your heritage from God alone
No other on the earth can own.

This gift alone is not for sale
But juxtaposed another tale.
A tale to turn the other cheek
And love for enemies to seek.

The difference is clear to see
The first involves integrity
The other, all that we acquire
To freely give at His desire.

The Father's love is like the rain
It brings to all alike the gain
It waters fields of weeds or wheat
So blessing bitter and the sweet.

So, we must also love this way
And learn, for enemies, to pray
To bless the ones who curse and swear
And demonstrate this love so rare.

I want to want no form of praise
But time and time again I raise
My voice above to be so heard
And so the praise of man be stirred.

So humble that I wish to be
One thought of with integrity
Enjoying accolades I hear
To such a holy one appear.

How foolish are these thoughts of mine
For all I have is truly Thine
And none I own or e'er possess
Has come from me, but how You bless.

So, good it is to raise the voice
And in Your many gifts rejoice,
But help me always give what's due
For all I have has come from You.

Lead us not into temptation
Save our wicked sinful nation
Change our hearts to choose the good
Help us act the way we should.

Your name be held in greatest awe
From every victory we saw.
Your Kingdom comes to Earth below
When all Your children, Jesus know.

Elijah saw a sinful nation
Called them to make reparation
Still, they chose the quick and fleeting
Now our nation, such repeating.

Help us choose Your daily bread
And on Your every word be fed.
Let us not repeat the ways
That led to exile many days.

Your Kingdom is within our reach
If we but follow what You teach.
If we forgive and love like Thee
Your Kingdom here on Earth can be.

The store of treasure set aside
By Jesus for His Holy Bride
So far exceeds the all of Earth
As when a child comes to birth.

The world explodes in brilliant light
The womb no longer holds us tight.
The air surrounds, the sound is clear,
Initially, we're filled with fear.

But soon we feel a mother's hand
The welcoming that God had planned
Now treasures held on Earth below
All melt away like Springtime snow.

How sad it is to fall away,
To turn from God and fail to pray
When oh, so much He freely gives
And oh, so much His love forgives.

I know in weakness oft I fail
And into selfish traps, I sail.
Concerned for more than just today
And turning from the narrow way.

But oh, how richly You provide
To faithful who with You abide.
Through every hardship You sustain,
Through every loss, You lead to gain.

Lord, in my failings, turn my ear
To hear Your whispered voice quite clear,
That I may trust in You alone
And find my selfish ways outgrown.