Sunday, September 15, 2024

Miscellaneous stuff from my phone


Oh how I wish that today was tomorrow
Spare me the grief and spare me the sorrow
Not looking forward to what I must do
I trust that my courage and strength come from You
Morning has come on the day that I dread
How I wish I could cower and stay in my bed
But I know I must do what I promised I would
For today is the day I get fastened to wood
Things that are hard bring a fear to the mind
But if we persevere it's quite often we find
That fear is but useless, it's faith that we need
As far as we thought, we can now far exceed

Lord, you created man in need
And so I am in need indeed
In need of cleansing from all sin
In need of finding peace within. 

In need of answering your call
In need of trusting you with all
In need of learning how to give
In sacrificial ways to live. 

I want a unity of soul
To make the family a whole 
For soon this world is passing by
And judgment day is drawing nigh 

No second chances after death 
So all before their final breath
Must choose to follow on the way
Of Jesus now and learn to pray

The way is narrow, rough, and steep
But if His word we daily keep
He'll bring us on that final day
The peace and joy we wish today

Let not the faithful learning cease
But evermore the quest increase
To know our Lord in varied ways
And seek Him more throughout our days. 

Let Eucharist be daily sought
And sin confessed before forgot. 
So pride may not a foothold gain
And lead to everlasting pain

Let not my family go astray
Nor follow in the worldly way
And turn their heads away from God 
Then into selfish valleys trod 

Let children be abundant there
And faithful in their family prayer 
Let God be glorified each day
And little ones well taught to pray.

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