Monday, September 23, 2024

10/6/24 Through 10/12/24

10/6/24 Through 10/12/24

Not good for man to be alone
He made another bone from bone
A rib He took from near the heart
To complementary life impart.

"At last", he said, "My perfect bride
A helpmate always at my side
One equal now in dignity
Providing what was lacking me."

So, joined together, two as one,
The race of man was thus begun.
And so by giving all we own
Life-giving love of God is shown

What God has joined, don't tear apart
And so, from perfect love depart
But learn to ever give yet more
And find love has an endless store.

Lord, help me be a neighbor good
A one who acts the way he should
A one who cares for others' needs,
A one who scatters many seeds.

So, be my strength in all I do
And help me be a one like You
Who never tires of doing good
And shoulders well his share of wood.

The better part is with our Lord
Absorbing all the love out-poured.
Undaunted by our daily cares
But mindful of our Lord's affairs.

There's time enough to mind the chores
But listening receives our stores
Completing quickly all we need
If we but to His word take heed.

So, set the time aside each day
In quiet stillness there to pray
Then listen as He speaks to you
And all He asks, go out and do.

You'll find these moments fuel the day
And give the strength for come what may.
So, guard your moments at His feet
And nay let busyness defeat.

In daily bread I seek Your love
I seek all blessings from above
Your mercy for my many sins
Is where eternal life begins.

My every suffering I've earned
Yet still Your ways I haven't learned
I satisfy my base desire
Instead of climbing ever higher.

Forgive, forgive, Oh please forgive
I want eternally to live
I hold no grudges here on Earth
And pray you offer second birth.

No longer let the tempter in
My soul be ever free from sin
In perfect love, as one with You
One loving, faithful, kind, and true.

Are you so stupid not to see
What Christ our Lord has done for thee?
Have works of law been ever known
To bring the love that Christ has shown?

That Spirit whom He freely gives
Who comforts and who sin forgives
Comes not from empty works of law,
But faith on which we all must draw.

There's none we do could ever earn
The grace we get to teach and learn
To prophesy, work mighty deeds
And help to grow the tiny seeds.

The law is dead, but faith is life
The grace to conquer every strife
The healing for your every ill
And anchor to the Father's will.

Some things for me are hard to see
How sparrows and our hair can be
Concerns for One so high above,
But He's the One we call Pure Love

His finger guides our every day,
The smallest details on the way
Just trust in Him and He'll provide
What e'er we need to be His Bride.

Blessing and obedience,
Together hand in hand 
The way of great expedience
His blessings to expand.

We too, receive great blessings when
We listen and obey
Too often though, like most of men
We choose another way.


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