Sunday, September 15, 2024

9/29/24 Through 10/5/24

 9/29/24 Through 10/5/24

Remove whatever leads astray
But all that's good may with us stay
Don't cast aside who speaks of Me
In ways to set the captive free.

I use my poor and weakest sons
To shame the rich and haughty ones
That way they all will clearly see
In truth, their wisdom comes from Me.

One by one the disasters fell
But not a sin could Satan tell
For Job had placed his trust above
Believing all was done for love.

How great our faith is called to be
To suffer all calamity
And know somehow it's all for good
Like when He suffered on the wood.

Such strength I wish to gain someday
That I could handle come what may
With faith to trust it's all for good
And shoulder well my share of wood.

The least is called the greatest one
For in humility is won
The prize of favor in His sight
Where least is raised to greatest height.

Resolute determination
As He traveled through the nation
Undeterred by those in fearing
Though the Cross was ever nearing.

On the way the rude rejected
He was not what they expected
Sons of Thunder wanted lightning
Jesus stayed their hands enlightening.

Mercy is what He desires
Sin forgiven stokes the fires
All-consuming love is burning
Sinners to His love are turning

Those in desperation sharing
All their suffering comparing
Never true the measure known
Until the pain becomes our own.

The humble one knows well his place
For all he has, has come from grace.
His every action leads to love
With focus on his home above.

How easy men submit to pride
And focus all on what's inside
They lose the wonder, awe, and fear
That humble find is always near.

A blindness covers all that's good
With bitterness of wormywood
Erudition feeds their pride
But awe and wonder never spied.

A dim and always sad disgrace
When none but foolishness we chase
And angel help is cast aside
With all that's good and true denied.

So, listen for the angel's voice
Let that inform your every choice
This one He gives to be your guide
And save you from the fall of pride.

How true that my Redeemer lives
How true that all I need He gives
The sandals ne'er did wear away
And well He fed us on our way.

Our every need the Lord provides
Our every step the Spirit guides.
One day these eyes shall see His face
One day these arms pure Love embrace.

How foolish is the pride of man
For nay a man on Earth that can
In any way create a thing
Or any way a sunrise bring.

The all we see is but a gift
And even that we cannot sift.
The all has come from God above
And all as gift of purest love.

How vain the thought, we're in control
For none His place has ever stole
None choose the day on which they're born
Or gifts He does with each adorn.

Our task is but to use them well
And others of His goodness tell
To quell the ranks of foolish pride
And always in His grace abide.

Blest are the eyes that see what you see
How demons will flee at the mention of Me.
Behold, what I give is not power alone
But the gift of the Father, whose will is made known.

As so many before wished to see what you see
But time wasn't ripe for the sending of Me.
Now fullness of time has occurred at the last
And little now see what was hidden in past.

His love ever faithful, His love ever kind
A suffering servant the people will find
One who gives all for the good of another,
The Son of our God, Our King and our Brother

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