Saturday, August 17, 2024

9/1/24 Through 9/7/24

 9/1/24 Through 9/7/24

Your law, oh Lord, is truth and light
Your wisdom guards the darkest night
What nation here could ever know
How deep and wide Your rivers flow.

You lead Your people Israel
On heaven's path away from hell
You call us ever closer still
To perfect love within Your will.

That once obedient we find
Contentment and true peace of mind
As doers of the law You give
That we, with You, may always live.

The message is simple, no trickery found
But Jesus so humble and thornily crowned,
Beaten and bloodied for wrong that we've done
Then nailed to a cross was the Holiest One.

But Jesus is risen.  Oh yes, it is true
His passion was offered to save such as you.
To bring us the freedom and healing of love
And show us the care of His Father above.

Don't seek to destroy what is meant for your good.
Forsake all your pride and shoulder the wood.
The cross is salvation that pierces the night,
Our path to the land that's eternally bright.

His law brings prosperity, wisdom, and health.
Each word like a rushing fountain of wealth.
The gifts of His Spirit are life to the low
Far exceeding the wealth that is passing below.

For lo, we have the mind of Christ
A treasure rich, and highly-priced.
Where waters of the Spirit flow
The mind of God the people know.

But what a shame where all is dry
For we but hear the people cry
In search of One to slake their thirst,
Yet only by the wrong coerced.

In Sacraments the Spirit gives
The light that nourishes what lives.
But left in darkness who can thrive?
To only greater depths they dive.

Baptize these little ones and see
His Spirit works within to free
And writes upon each heart within
His laws to keep them safe from sin.

So, don't delay, let waters flow
For every child deserves to know
Their Savior, Lord, and King of kings
Who only their contentment brings.

Deserted places clear the mind
And this is where His will we find.
Not wand'ring in the desert waste
But seeking Him to come with haste.

For when His word is spoken clear
The quiet heart will surely hear
And though His will be not our own,
What must be done is clearly known.

So cower not in busy's shroud
But leave the large rambunctious crowd
To hear His voice in quiet still
Then act upon His perfect will.

Deep in the water you'll finally see
The wisdom of man is quite foolish to me.
For all is my own, but I offer to thee
The all that you need to be totally free.

The cares of the world and the trials of the day
May seem quite a burden you carry this way
But do as I say and a blessing you'll see
I give all you need to be totally free.

You cling to what's temporal and passing away
Although it does naught to help show you the way
My word is a beacon, a light to your path
Repent and be free of the burden of wrath.

My love is abundant in all that I do
I offer my life to creation renew
Come see that My mercy is waiting for thee,
\Repent and give all to be totally free.

No room in the old for expanding of new
The stretching that comes from the freshness of dew.
The heart must be pliable, ready to grow
If one is expecting our Savior to know.

So, freshen the wineskin, prepare for the must
The growth will be coming in knowledge and trust.
Some teaching is hard and requires belief
But wine fully aged gives a sip of relief.

According to the Master's plan
A Sabbath rest is good for man.
When all was made He called it good
So, honor Him with rest we should.

When all was good He rested well
But love's destroyer came from Hell
With pride to foul the Garden's spring,
To death as man's destruction bring.

The beauty lost was man's demise
But our Creator, far more wise;
Another's coming as He said
To crush the evil serpent's head.

One pure and spotless, undefiled
Full of grace and Godly styled
His Sabbath rest He took within
The Virgin's womb that's free from sin.

It's clear this One is Lord of all
One here to remedy man's fall
Our Sabbath Lord from far above
Who rules with sacrificial love.

1 comment:

  1. A good poetic-piece. I enjoyed reading. I love your faith, which bursts forth in your poems. Keep writing and I'll keep enjoying. Praise to you my Christian Brother. Love love, Andrew.
