Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8/25/24 Through 8/31/24

 8/25/24 Through 8/31/24

Lord, to whom shall we go?
No other with life that we know.
Your teaching is hard, and our senses are jarred,
But to You our allegiance we owe.

We've seen enough by this time
To know it's a new paradigm.
And the message You told, goes beyond all the old
Presenting new heights we must climb.

Woe to the ones who are lacking in love
Who turn not their hearts to the gifts from above
\Who seeking forever the wealth of below
True joy and true happiness never will know.

For ones who with eyes of their faith plainly see
There is glory beyond, and that love is the key.
Each sacrifice offered, each pain that's endured,
Will strengthen the bond to the Rock that they're moored.

The sheep hears the voice of the Shepherd that calls,
The goat just ignores and eventually falls.
Blinded by avarice, money, and fame
The goat ignores goodness, the worthless to claim.

Don't dance with the fools in their revelry raised
But come to the pasture where docile are grazed.
Enduring each trial for love of the Lord,
And purchasing graces no wealth can afford.

Woe to the blinded who will not to see.
The ones who are selfish and prideful, like me.
So easy to see there's a gnat in my drink
While swallowing camels of pride now, I think.

De tail' is what matters in all that I do
But oft overlooking what's crucial to You.
I focus on dust while the stains still abound
The splinter removed, but the plank never found.

The outside may shine, but the inside You see
Is a much different picture, repulsive to Thee.
I beg for Your mercy and ask that someday
My will be conformed to whatever You say.

Then clear as a crystal on bright sunny days
The inside and out will reflect all Your rays.
No more be I blinded or deaf to Your word
Obedient always to all that I've heard.

Here I am on every morn
Inviting love to be the norm.
But oft you simply turn away
And look unto a selfish way.

It's not enough to look the part,
My love must be within your heart.
So, turn to Me and never sway
Then learn to love throughout the day.

When we see through eyes of hist'ry
Clearer see what was a myst'ry.
Oft it seems that evil sinning
Is the side that's always winning.

But when seen through eyes eternal
Far more's seen than what's external.
All will come to death as wanting
Some for glory, some for haunting.

Truth and goodness lead to glory,
Lies and evil, diff'rent story.
After death comes life forever,
Good to glory... evil never.

Lies may bring a pleasure now
But full of emptiness somehow.
They promise much, deliver nil
But fools persist, believing still.

Be wise and listen for what's true
The God of LOVE created you
For glory in eternal light
And not to languish in the night..

Here the simple fool the wise
Tearing down their thin disguise
No eloquence of human mind
Can top what pure and simple find.

The Cross of Christ they cling to now
And through this foolishness somehow
Confound the wisdom of the day
And enter through the narrow way.

The wisdom of the world is blind
And never will their riches find
But stumbling blocks that hide the door
And ne'er the peace they're looking for.

Then lo, at last, that final day
When wealth and fame shall melt away
They're left with nakedness and shame
And shocked to find they lose the game.

For when the door is shut and barred
With mighty angels standing guard
The fool is seen to be the wise
For naught the earthly treasure buys.

Our choices, firmly made by then
With no more chance to try again.
The cries of bitterness and pain
Forever in that soul remain.

Don't wait another day to turn
And risk potential lasting burn
His mercy waits for truly wise
But foolish pride persists and dies.

Oh, so many talents given
But from good and wholesome riven.
Used for pleasure, graft, and sin
Instead of growing life within.

Where are good and faithful servants
With the kind of strict observance
That will use Your graces well
And cause Your purse of grace to swell?

Let me bury not Your treasure.
Use it to its fullest measure.
Multiplying all received
That Your approval be achieved.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent poetic piece my Christian Brother who is a lover of each other in the essence of having the sense of loving Him devoid of any sin.

    Sorry I haven't popped by, but I'm still familiarising myself with the new set-up on blogger. I have only just sussed out how to access a page on my following list, so sorry for that.

    You are a good poet, and I like reading your pieces that express a love for God and His Son and that whoever believe in Him will have a new life begun.

    I feel sorry for the Heathen not a Brethren who is not going to Heaven, but God gave us all free will to instil a wisdom of knowledgeable choosing by those believing or sinning.

    I'm busy at the moment but I'll return and read some of your previous posts. I'll look forward to a new post on this coming Sunday.

    Peace to you my Christian Brother. Love love, Andrew.
