Saturday, September 2, 2023

9/17/23 Through 9/23/23

 9/17/23 Through 9/23/23

Holding tight to wrath and fury
Hugging that which brings us pain
They become the judge and jury
Of the fact your sins remain

If you harbor deep resentment
Peace and joy cannot survive
Never shall you find contentment
Nor a sense of peace derive

Mercy and forgiveness only
Can a peaceful heart provide
Otherwise, be sad and lonely
Firmly to your anger tied

See the Cross and know forgiveness
Sinless who became our sin.
Making love the only business
That by which the sinners win.

Authority we all must know
for in authority, we grow
And One who far exceeds His slave
Is One our every gift that gave.

There's nothing of our own to claim
Not even body, mind, or name
For all has come from God above
And all is given by His love.

The gift of will, His precious grant
To in the souls of mortals plant
The image that was meant to grow
In likeness to the King we know.

Humility comes first of all 
For those who choose to hear His call
They recognize the truth and light
And humbly come to join the fight.

Subjecting all to God above
Whose motive is but purest love
Then healing comes if we but ask
His will in every daily task.

The mouths of wild beasts were closed
When death by mauling was proposed
The sword must sever frame from head
To thus insure this saint was dead.

But those who ordered such are gone
And centuries have rolled along
Still praised is one with severed head
While long ago the others dead.

The faithful are rewarded so
For they, to heaven's glory go
But wicked fade in milky haze
As they descend to Satan's blaze

Within our fickle world today
Some think the truth is what they say.
They think repeating makes it so
But prove how little Truth they know.

The Truth is in His holy word
But far too few on earth have heard.
They stop their ears, should truth assault,
And back to chanting lies default.

Thank God He came for sinners' sake
And not the righteous horde.
The trouble is, we must awake
To sin to find reward.

Sobriety in all we do
Must be the path we choose.
For that is what is best for you
For not your soul to lose.

So, thank you Lord, for seeking me
Until it's You I found.
I pray to always seeking see
Your love which has no bound.

The crown should be the ornament
A delicate apportionment
To add the beauty, form, and grace
To give the piece a higher place.

But how confusing it can be
For simpletons akin to me.
We cut it once, and then again,
Or five or six, or nine or ten.

But revelation comes at last
To put confusion in the past
It's like the ways of worldly fame,
Turn upside down to win the game.

You have to cut it upside down
For in the worldly ways are found
Confusion and befuddlement,
Bewilderment and puzzlement.

But if you turn them upside down,
Some clarity will then be found
For there your measure's firm and true,
And now mistakes are far and few.

The brier too, finds fertile ground
But fruit in there is rarely found
For cares and worries of the day
Have choked the chance of fruit away.

So, trim the brier's wild frond
To find the open earth beyond
There's always more to cut away
To keep us moving on our way.

Keep trimming in your life's pursuit
Until at last, you reach the root.
With branches burned and root removed,
Your harvest shall be much improved.

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