Sunday, December 2, 2018

12/16/18 Through 12/22/18

12/16/18 Through 12/22/18

The only Son of God most high
To sinful men on earth draws nigh
If you would just repent you'd see 
The difference Christ would make for thee.

So do your duty and be sure
If motive and intent are pure,
The holy fire will come to you 
And sanctify the things you do.

With saints and sinners in the line,
We see the roots of One divine.
Akin to every man on earth,
Our blessed savior comes to birth.

The ones remembered most of all
Are those who answered to the call,
And trusted to the bitter end
To good and righteousness defend.

Each generation takes a stand
To do as God, or they have planned.
With action as their loudest voice
Each generation makes their choice.

To serve, or not to serve, the poll.
Eternal happiness the goal.
In plain humility we find
The heart becomes, with Him aligned.

So take a stand and don't look back.
He'll give you strength for each attack,
And pick you up when e're you fall,
If you but hearken to the call.

To live according to His plan,
And not the ways of sinful man
Will bring contentment, peace and joy
That trial and trouble can't destroy.

For God has chosen every man
To play a part within His plan
To carry forth a life of grace
In every time and every place.

Lord, help me answer well the call
With You the large, and me the small.
Help me turn my back on sin,
And make me with the saints akin.

The life of many children proves
That age is not why Spirit moves, 
But to the willing heart He comes,
And saint or prophet it becomes.

For Samson, John and David too
Were all obedient to You
And if they fell would e're repent,
Then on another task be sent.

For Samuel and Mary too
The both, in youth, were called by You.
Their greatness found in being small
And answering when e're You call.

At Fatima the children three
Were chosen as the ones to see.
Their littleness would breed despite,
Yet none would cower in the fright.

Let many young now answer well,
And see the ranks of faithful swell
To turn the tide of sinfulness
Into a tide of righteousness

Put not the Lord to any test
Or else your land will not be blest.
But when He bids you, ask a sign,
Be sure your will and His align.

Blest who heeds the spoken word
By others, in the noise, not heard,
Who takes the time to speak to You,
And follow what You ask to do.

For graces flow within Your will,
Your voice be heard in quiet still.
Like Mary may I straightened be,
That grace would freely flow through me.

What a wasted emptiness
Before the Savior came
A sad and dreary hollowness
With only me to blame.

Without a hope, and in despair
Mere pleasure as the goal
A wanderer yet unaware
Of what would make me whole.

But lo, beyond the darkness came
A morn with brighter skies
One who shouldered all my shame
And opened up my eyes.


  1. Greetings Mark. I enjoyed reading your well-written poetic piece. I like your faith, and how you express yourself, God and Jesus within your lovely verses. God bless you my Christian Friend. Love love, Andrew.
