Saturday, July 27, 2024

8/11/24 Through 8/17/24

 8/11/24 Through 8/17/24

Still beyond my comprehension
Living bread from heaven sent.
Like a new and strange dimension
Endless treasure yet unspent.

Bound within the realm of reason
Such a thing as yet unknown.
Like a new and diff'rent season
Living flesh for hearts of stone.

Bread of Heaven, pure and simple.
See not what the eye perceives
Come explore the suspect rimple
Find the grace that faith receives.

Not belying but exceeding
All that man has ever known.
Starving souls on truth now feeding.
Life within the desert grown.

To suffer, die, and rise again
He spoke to followers and then,
Those saddened could not comprehend
How pain could bring a gloried end.

So short our line of vision here
And things are not as they appear.
But One so high and far above
Can see with eyes of purest love.

With earthly eyes, I fail to see
When Christ is there in front of me,
And so I treat the Precious Son
Just like a poor and common one.

Your word consumed, made part of me
The world and flesh would plainly see
The doing shows our faith to men
Far more than what we speak or pen.

One like a child in many ways
Is best to offer fervent praise.
Humility is welcomed where
The Father's love is in the air.

So, feed me well in every day
Let not my heart go far astray,
But let me find my pasture green
In faithful, loving, tame, routine.

It's there the joyous children play
Without a care to cloud the day.
Secure in loving Shepherd's care
Apart from every evil snare.

Only those who mourn the evil
Only those You set aside
All the rest endure upheaval
All the rest be life denied.

Show no mercy, show no pity,
Young and old, and all alike
Wield the sickle in the city
All the wicked, deadly strike.

With their corpses stain the Temple
Fill the courts with all the slain
Go outside and slay the city
Killing all till none remain.

Such a day is now much nearer
Growing closer every day
Be not just a passive hearer,
Be a doer and obey.

Oh, what glory for the Maiden
One on Earth with sorrows laden.
One in humble service ready
One whose faith was firm and steady.

Taken up to meet the Savior
Now, at last, to glory savor.
Purest vessel of creation
Sinless for the whole duration.

Be our mother now and ever,
Help us in our life's endeavor.
Send us grace that's daily needed,
Let your words be gladly heeded.

Do the all He says to do,
Abundantly He'll answer you
With overflowing gifts of love,
With joy and peace that's found above.

The story of the Church I tell
Once rescued, fed, and nurtured well
He cleansed and bathed Her nubile form
With lace and jewelry then adorned.

Her beauty far exceeded all
But she ignored the sacred call.
Enamored with her beauty now
She turned and to the creatures bowed.

Polluting all on her bestowed
Her nakedness, like harlot's showed.
His every gift to her profaned
Her beauty now besmirched and stained.

But He, a covenant has made
And never shall His word be swayed.
In pardon, He extends His hand
To bring her to the Promised Land.

The childlike awaits the word
And acts upon whatever's heard.
They hope and trust because they're low
And well their need for God they know.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

8/4/24 Through 8/10/24

 8/4/24 Through 8/10/24

What is this?, the people said
It fell to Earth, the angels' bread
The Lord prepares in desert waste
A feast to satisfy each taste.

To daily trust the Lord would teach
As forty years the journey reached.
But in prosperity declined
And so, to other gods inclined.

His daily bread our precious food
What once was bread, now flesh imbued.
The source of life for men below
So all might feed and Jesus know.

Don't fall from hunger just because
You only see the bread that was.
It's true, His flesh will bring to man
What none of earthly pleasures can.

Roses and sunshine, not always the way.
The evil and selfish at sometime will pay.
To God we can listen and gladly obey,
Or sooner or later, the fun goes away.

The bearer of bad news is scorned
When those in wickedness are warned.
For though in finery adorned
Their poverty will soon be mourned.

Don't lead the little ones astray
To mortal sin and rank decay,
But lead them all to change before
The battle's lost, and so the war.

That day with Peter, James, and John
Before their eyes they looked upon
Change to glory far exceeding
There before the Cross preceding.

Grace was given in such measure
That the human heart could treasure
Every word that leads to glory
Given in salvation's story.

Every man is given glimpses
Which this earthly world eclipses
So to prove His love unending
And from heaven, down His bending.

Then if we heed His given word
And follow well the message heard
We too will share that glory seen,
But first the Cross lay in between.

I beg of You, Lord to make of me
A scrap that's saved for love of Thee.
An outcast welcomed, sinner saved
One rescued from all that's depraved.

Oh, let me ne'er return to sin
But always welcome graces in
And choose the door You cleft for me
So all Your glories I may see.

This nation too, has gone astray
But You can show again the Way.
Speak louder Lord, than Satan's call
That so, our nation may not fall.

I know this selfish greedy lot
Have squandered many blessings got
But You can turn a heart toward love
With just a word from up above.

Give eyes that see and freely choose
To never Your salvation lose.
Make here a beacon shining bright
For all those trapped in darkest night.

The day has come when all should know
The name of Jesus Christ.
Yet occupied with empty show,
A fallacy high-priced.

Oh, change the heart and make anew
Your people gone astray.
Within the heart of man renew
The knowledge of Your way.

Though hard it be, it's thus ordained
The gift of self will save.
By giving self is thus obtained
The power o'er the grave.

While Satan mocks and spurns the gift
It's here we come to know
The love of God complete and swift
Within the soul will grow.

The choice He made to suffer well
Has changed the world we know.
So, freely all your neighbors tell 
Then all, in faith, shall grow.

Take up your cross and follow Me
If you would My disciple be.
For in the cross is found the way
To fill with gold these pots of clay.

The gift of self, the greatest gift
A stubborn heart and mind can shift
To see the light before too late
And many evil sins abate.

Our sacrifices offered well
Can save a wayward soul from hell.
When joined to Jesus on the Cross,
The gold we offer sheds the dross.

No road of comfort, ease, and bliss,
Or way for timid souls is this.
The narrow way has great demand,
But leads unto the Promised land.

Another saint with such a name
I pray, oh Lord, would be the fame
Of every child born here below
Who comes our blessed Lord to know.

By casting many seeds about
And clearing every shade of doubt
We reap a bountied harvest in
With those who turn their backs on sin.

All seed must die before it grows
As every simple farmer knows.
But when it dies, the growth begins
And once a loser ever wins.

So, follow where the Master leads
And die to self you little seeds.
For what awaits is life anew
And everlasting joy for you.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

7/28/24 Through 8/3/24

 7/28/24 Through 8/3/24

The Lord, our every need shall meet
With every bite of food we eat.
For those who do the Father's will
Far more than stomachs does He fill.

The longing deep within each heart
His love will slake, and grace impart
To listen well each time we pray
And do the Father's will each day.

But which comes first I sometimes ask,
The grace or duty to the task?
Of course, the grace is first bestowed
And why all thanks to Him is owed.

We all must learn to put away
The thoughts and cares of everyday
Then learn to sit at loving feet
That we may too, the Savior meet.

But action too, is needed when
We show our faith to other men
For truest faith confronts all fear
And trusts His strength is ever near.

When we remember God is God
And not another worthless fraud
We'll listen first and then obey
To find the everlasting way.

His covenant we pray He keeps
And only blessings ever heaps.
But curses too, were promised when
The covenant was made with men.

What fools we are to fall away
To turn from Him and go astray
When every blessing He provides
And in each humble heart resides.

But man, the fool, has often played
And let the evil one invade.
Enamored by his empty show
The weeds among the wheat will grow.

Yet still the Father holds his hand
And issues but a reprimand
In hopes that by a message sent
The sinners see, and so repent.

If they persist till harvest time,
Awaits the pit one cannot climb.
So, heed the warnings, turn and live,
For God is faithful to forgive.

Oh God, become my stronghold
On the day of my distress.
A firm unyielding foothold
In the land of perfect rest.

One willingly rejecting
All lesser treasures seen.
Unfailingly protecting
The precious pearl unseen.

Even unto martyrdom,
Immovable with pain.
Focused on the larger sum
Of my eternal gain.

The Potter's wheel and fisher's net
Are things we easily forget,
But, yea they teach a lesson long
To humble proud and weaken strong.

We are but lumps of worthless clay,
But clay that's fashioned in a way
To make us priceless works of art
Reflections of the Potter's heart.

But when the clay resists the mold
Refusing then His shape to hold,
He starts reshaping new until
He gets the clay to do his will.

So too, the fisher's net when cast
Returns a varied catch amassed.
The good is saved, but thrown away
Are all the worthless caught that day.

When wheel is stopped and net drawn in
It's then too late to turn from sin.
Our fate is sealed that final day
Be we good fish or worthless clay.

So, now before the wheel is stopped.
Before the net again is dropped,
Repent of sin and learn the way,
And let the Potter mold the clay.

The prophet's rarely welcomed in
By those he speaks to steeped in sin.
Their evil ways, so well-ingrained
Create a will, to sin, that's chained.

But when the Lord commands to speak
We must be bold, for some still seek.
A word in love, that's spoken well
Can change one's course that's bound for hell.

The ridicule and scorn of men
Must not deter the prophet when
The Lord commands and gives the word
For by this action, hearts are stirred.

Results may not be evident
To people where the prophet's sent,
But if and when they ruminate
The call for change shall not abate.

Such wisdom will astound for sure
But also be a subtle lure
To draw the wayward people in
And turn them from their lives of sin.

Be not afraid to hear His voice
And make His word your every choice.
He knows what's always best for you
And where to find what you pursue.

Lord, may I see as clear as day
The choice before me then I pray.
And choose the light when darkness reigns
In spite of all the earthly pains.

I know I'm weak and helpless, Lord
But yet I crave your rich reward
Give me the grace and will to choose
The truth, if even life I lose.

When faced with evil let me bear
My cross into the serpent's lair
Accepting well my earthly pain
In hope of everlasting gain.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

7/21/24 Through7/27/24

 7/21/24 Through7/27/24

Like sheep without a shepherd
We scatter and are lost.
Then wandering unfettered
The preditors accost.

The leaders of the people
Have lost the common good.
They see no more the steeple
For guiding as they should.

But, lo behold, a Shepherd Good
Has come from high above.
To lead His flock as shepherds should
In sacrificial love.

So, learn to hear Good Shepherd's voice.
Ignore the howling din.
Make love your pure and simple choice,
And turn away from sin.

A love so pure and undefiled
Was found in this repentant child.
A soul once dead, but made anew,
The first The Risen Christ to view.

This transformation all can find
Within the heart and in the mind.
The zeal to share our risen Lord
And bring to all His love out-poured.

If we but let Him heal our sin
And welcome then His Spirit in,
The stone we'll find is rolled away
And death no longer holds its sway.

So, come and see the empty tomb,
Let light, the darkness, now consume.
The bonds of sin and death released.
With joy and gladness, now we feast.

Just who, like Him, can wonders bring,
And who could be so good a King,
Forgiving sins that beauty lost,
Restoring love without a cost?

Your faithfulness forever known,
Your healing grace to sinner shown.
For You delight in clemency
When e'er a stray returns to Thee.

Before He formed you in the womb
He knew the flower, knew the bloom.
A task appointed for each one
A path of holiness to run.

A greatness planned for every soul,
A path to make them humble, whole.
But freedom's given every man
To follow well, or shun the plan.

A power follows on His way,
The grace that's needed every day
To meet each challenge fair and true
And always more refining you.

So, fear not what the world holds,
For trial's how the the Potter molds.
In fire gold is purified, 
And Love itself they crucified.

But lo, the grave could not confine
The One who died for sins of thine.
And glorified, He rose again
To save the souls of sinful men.

So, humble and quite docile be
Obedient to none but He
And you will find what e'er you face
He always gives sufficient grace.

In pots of clay the treasure dwells
That where we go His power swells.
Though pots are cracked, they still contain
His word which death cannot constrain.

Despite the darkest veils around,
The precious gold may still be found.
Untainted by the world's decay
In ever bright and bold array.

Still given up to death each day,
But life it harvests on the way.
In mortal flesh, immortal dwells,
And every fear His love dispels.

The people long for shepherds wise
Who speak the truth without disguise,
Who guard the flock and gather in
The ones astray in wayward sin.

Who look for soil well-prepared
To spread His word with nothing spared.
Yet still some seed will fall in stone
And wither soon before it's grown.

The birds will eat what's on the way
For trodden well, and hard the clay.
And that where thorn and thistle grow,
A fruited stalk will never know.

But where the soil's soft and deep
A bountied harvest one can reap
At thirty, sixty, hundredfold
The faithful ones will then behold.

The weeds will grow among the wheat,
But nay the harvestman defeat.
For weeds be bundled, tied, and burned,
And wheat be claimed as harvest earned.

So too, with men both here below
The sinner and the righteous grow.
But when the harvest sickle wields,
No longer have the sinners shields.

Oh, count this weed among the wheat
And let me yield a harvest sweet.
Transformed by what the Spirit gives
So weed that's changed to wheat now lives.

For soon enough the harvest comes
And weed or wheat each life becomes
Proud weeds, no fruit to offer then
Become no more than pitied men.