Saturday, October 12, 2024

10/27/24 Through 11/2/24

 10/27/24 Through 11/2/24

So, do we really want to see,
Or is our blindness found to be
Convenient reason for our sin
And that which keeps us far from Him?

Blindness of spirit is common today
The blind are the ones refusing to say
They know what is right and will choose what is true,
Their blindness is chosen to mask what they do.

But blind as we are, one day we will see
Quite clear what the cause of our blindedness be.
When choosing the darkness the light is obscured
But turning to light our blindness is cured.

An Apostolic faith we claim
Twelve ordinary men who came
To follow Christ and spread His word
Till every soul on Earth has heard.

These men of low and humble state
When Spirit-filled become ones great
Who offered as their Savior did
And never from His light they hid.

They spread His message far and wide
And for their faith in Jesus died
Not one when faced with death would sway
And that's the Catholic faith today.

Husbands love your wives and find
A mystery of the highest kind
That when the two in flesh are one
They then in truth reflect the Son

Who gave His all to save His Bride
Rejecting every hint of pride
In humble service scourged and crowned
True Love upon the Cross was found.

And there upon the Cross must be
The man to love his wife and see
By showing love, submission gained
And every blessing so obtained.

Submission to authority
Is how we learn the best to see
It's how we come to understand
And how we live as God has planned.

Some choose their way apart from Him
To follow on their every whim
They call themselves "good people" though
They have no clue which way to go.

They give appearance of the good
But follow not the way they should
They work for glory of their own
Instead of praising Christ alone

And such as these in final days
When all they have is selfish praise
Will find the narrow gate is closed
To whom the Father's will opposed.

So, turn to Him as Mary did
In love to all the angel bid
His will exceeds in every case
The empty show the others chase.

Oh Jesus keep me standing firm
Your ways of love and kindness learn
Unmoved by evil's constant blows
With faith Your mighty shield that shows.

With truth the guard to save my soul
And playing well my given role
By doing all You ask of me
To so Your strength and glory see

In readiness to move the way
Your voice would lead me come what may
With lips confessing You as Lord
Your Spirit as my trusted sword.

On our journey to the Father
May we with the scripture bother.
His sacred word our guiding light
Our pathway through the dark of night

So far beyond the mind of man
Lies that within the Father's plan
There where every wrong is righted
Every act of love requited.

Chastised a little and greatly blest
Afflicted on Earth now passes the test
Proved in the furnace as gold in the fire
Melting away every base desire.

Now comes the time for their shining as light
As sparks in the stubble in darkness of night
Those who have trusted will Truth understand
In the presence of God as the Father has planned.

With Him as their Shepherd and nothing in want
They walk past the wicked who threaten and taunt
No fear shall accost all the days of their lives
In the land where all goodness and holiness thrives.

Christ comes for the sinners to heal and to save
His life for the sinner, on Calvary gave.
He said He would rise, and it's so that He did
No longer the way to the Garden is hid.

In giving of self we obtain what is all
He's lifted the curse we obtained at the Fall
Resurrection no less for the faithful He gives
For Goodness thought dead, forever now lives.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

10/20/24 Through 10/26/24

 10/20/24 Through 10/26/24

Once again we hear the call
The call to give a total ALL
Not one of convenience meant just for show
But one of commitment to prove what we know

No less than ALL we have we need
For All is needed to succeed
The Cross He accepted for love of us ALL
He saw beyond death to the fix of the Fall

No good is what we have below
At death, to all, we must let go
Possessions are useless, they rust and decay
Unless used in service of showing The Way.

How dead we were yet brought to life
When sin and wickedness were rife
By flesh controlled, a child of wrath
Traveling down the "easy" path.

But He who's rich in mercy cared
And so, the way of life He shared
That we might live a life made new,
With truth and good, what we pursue.

No longer swayed by earthly wealth
In love and mercy's perfect health
As poor in spirit, so we move
But wealthy ones, at last, we prove.

Good servants be ready and waiting you see
For Christ comes when none are expecting to be
Those called to eternity, ready or not
Working hard for the Kingdom, or lazily caught.

What shame for the lazy, cast out in the dark,
Their chance lies behind, and the future is stark.
Their labor is shown by the fruit they produce
With no possible alibi, case, or excuse.

But good He will bring to the Heavenly feast
All those faithful and true, the great and the least.
He'll wait on the faithful in raiment of light
No longer be death or the dark of the night.

All that God gives us comes from His love
Each trial in patience, a gift from above.
No malady, sickness, darkness, or pain
Is allowed to befall us except for our gain.

If we see with the eyes of our Lord we will find
How many the ways that our hearts have been blind
How small is our faith and how little we've seen
When the truth is how great His loving has been.

In our duties to Him, it's quite often we stray
We think it's but little we fail to obey.
But then when we see what He asks and we do
In shame then He shows us, how little are you.

When He is the Master and we are the slave
We see all the riches, in love, that He gave.
We see all He wants is for naught but our good
So, all in that vein, be accepting we should.

Recognizing as gift every trial we face
We see that it's truly His love we embrace
Care giver or taker, for both we can be
Each trial is love, and it's clear now I see 

What man on Earth could ever see
The height and length and breadth of Thee?
For You who have no end might say,
"What you can see should light your way."

You call us simply to obey
To follow on the lighted way
It's faith and trust You wish to see
For light is that which makes us free.

The light and dark this world share.
In shades of gray, most unaware
That clear division comes at last
With sinful into darkness cast.

Determined  in His holy will,
In unity of life, we fill
Our days with purity and light,
With wisdom for the holy fight.

So, persevere in unity
Be gentle with humility
With patient love your bond of peace
Will strengthen so to never cease.

A nation of children both foolish and weak
The wicked they search for, and folly they seek.
They mask it as freedom and rights of the strong
But simply the truth is, they're horribly wrong.

Driven always by wind that blows up the waves
They look on as evil, the Truth that man saves.
Those infants, unable to see that it's love
That motivates all of His words from above.

He gives us Apostles and Prophets and more
With pastors and teachers to show us the score.
At the end of the game it nothing to ALL
So, let's open our ears and answer the call!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

10/13/24 Through 10/19/24

 10/13/24 Through 10/19/24

Yes, Wisdom far exceeds them all
Before her gold and silver fall.
As none but sand upon the ground,
Are riches when true Wisdom's found.

Good health and beauty seem as naught
When wisdom of the ages taught.
Her splendor lights the darkest room
With light the dark cannot consume.

Yet there with wisdom comes all good
The fact not often understood
That beauty, riches, wealth, and fame
We find when first, we wisdom claim.

How great the sin our age has known
The wickedness we fail to own
Though much we see we fail to turn
And so, you see, we choose to burn.

The sacrifice that love entails
Compared to joy it brings, it pales.
Yet still we sin to have our way
Unmindful of the price we pay.

To mend a broken bone there's pain,
But on the other side there's gain
Ignoring that which needs repair
Though easy now, it brings despair.

The Ninevites of Jonah's time
Were wise enough to see their crime
To fast and mend their evil ways
With focus on the final days.

And here we are, so smart today.
We try to mold the truth our way
We close our eyes to love's concern
And once again we choose to burn.

Today there's something more that's known,
The love that Jesus Christ has shown
And how the gift of self can be
The key to life eternally.

Don't be a fool and close your eyes
But be repentant, humble, wise
And follow Christ who shows the way
To peace and love in endless day.

So few that know just what's inside
So few can penetrate the pride
To see the filth and murky mire
Of all our evil, base, desire.

We'd rather follow worthless rules
And prove ourselves as stupid fools
For when the outside looks so clean,
The inside proves a different scene.

The inside's clean where love abides
And then you're clean whatever sides.
Not one that hides the other's ills,
But both that do what Father wills.

Flesh crucified brings joy to man
The way no selfish hatred can
For all we try to gain is lost
When love for one another's tossed.

Hatred, rivalry, and greed
To only war and factions lead.
Defilement and fury reign
Where all we want is selfish gain.

But love and peace shall rule the day
When things are turned the other way
For patient kindness never wanes
Wherever love for Jesus reigns

When prophets came and faith would bud
You plotted how to shed their blood.
It's not enough you turned away
But others too, you tried to sway.

When evil masquerades as good
And takes the place where righteous stood
So many souls are led astray
By promise of an "easy" way.

But woe to you who act this way
And lead My people far away
With blood of prophets on your head
You make a poor eternal bed.

The harvest is rich, but the laborers few
Are you listening well for His calling on you?
So, ask of the Master more labor to send
To heal all the sick, and the broken to mend.

To carry the word without money or sack
Always moving ahead, and never aback.
Say to the masses, "The Kingdom's at hand."
So, listen and follow His every command.

Lord, who am I, one soft and weak?
What right have I of all to speak?
So little suffering endured
But one who begs for life assured.

Much love I need for fellow man
To walk the road that faith began
To look at every soul in view
And see a work of art from You.

The martyrs show what saints must be
Ones totally in love with Thee.
To even love the evil throng.
Forgiving every sinful wrong.

So far away that seems from me
I shrink from every pain, You see
I search for comfort, peace, and rest
And pray somehow, I pass the test.

My hope in mercy only lies
For naught are worth my feeble tries
No value in the things I do
To earn my way to life with You.

But yes, a simple kindness counts
Each act of love, to heaven mounts.
No little one is left alone,
The Little Way can lead me home.

Monday, September 23, 2024

10/6/24 Through 10/12/24

10/6/24 Through 10/12/24

Not good for man to be alone
He made another bone from bone
A rib He took from near the heart
To complementary life impart.

"At last", he said, "My perfect bride
A helpmate always at my side
One equal now in dignity
Providing what was lacking me."

So, joined together, two as one,
The race of man was thus begun.
And so by giving all we own
Life-giving love of God is shown

What God has joined, don't tear apart
And so, from perfect love depart
But learn to ever give yet more
And find love has an endless store.

Lord, help me be a neighbor good
A one who acts the way he should
A one who cares for others' needs,
A one who scatters many seeds.

So, be my strength in all I do
And help me be a one like You
Who never tires of doing good
And shoulders well his share of wood.

The better part is with our Lord
Absorbing all the love out-poured.
Undaunted by our daily cares
But mindful of our Lord's affairs.

There's time enough to mind the chores
But listening receives our stores
Completing quickly all we need
If we but to His word take heed.

So, set the time aside each day
In quiet stillness there to pray
Then listen as He speaks to you
And all He asks, go out and do.

You'll find these moments fuel the day
And give the strength for come what may.
So, guard your moments at His feet
And nay let busyness defeat.

In daily bread I seek Your love
I seek all blessings from above
Your mercy for my many sins
Is where eternal life begins.

My every suffering I've earned
Yet still Your ways I haven't learned
I satisfy my base desire
Instead of climbing ever higher.

Forgive, forgive, Oh please forgive
I want eternally to live
I hold no grudges here on Earth
And pray you offer second birth.

No longer let the tempter in
My soul be ever free from sin
In perfect love, as one with You
One loving, faithful, kind, and true.

Are you so stupid not to see
What Christ our Lord has done for thee?
Have works of law been ever known
To bring the love that Christ has shown?

That Spirit whom He freely gives
Who comforts and who sin forgives
Comes not from empty works of law,
But faith on which we all must draw.

There's none we do could ever earn
The grace we get to teach and learn
To prophesy, work mighty deeds
And help to grow the tiny seeds.

The law is dead, but faith is life
The grace to conquer every strife
The healing for your every ill
And anchor to the Father's will.

Some things for me are hard to see
How sparrows and our hair can be
Concerns for One so high above,
But He's the One we call Pure Love

His finger guides our every day,
The smallest details on the way
Just trust in Him and He'll provide
What e'er we need to be His Bride.

Blessing and obedience,
Together hand in hand 
The way of great expedience
His blessings to expand.

We too, receive great blessings when
We listen and obey
Too often though, like most of men
We choose another way.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Miscellaneous stuff from my phone


Oh how I wish that today was tomorrow
Spare me the grief and spare me the sorrow
Not looking forward to what I must do
I trust that my courage and strength come from You
Morning has come on the day that I dread
How I wish I could cower and stay in my bed
But I know I must do what I promised I would
For today is the day I get fastened to wood
Things that are hard bring a fear to the mind
But if we persevere it's quite often we find
That fear is but useless, it's faith that we need
As far as we thought, we can now far exceed

Lord, you created man in need
And so I am in need indeed
In need of cleansing from all sin
In need of finding peace within. 

In need of answering your call
In need of trusting you with all
In need of learning how to give
In sacrificial ways to live. 

I want a unity of soul
To make the family a whole 
For soon this world is passing by
And judgment day is drawing nigh 

No second chances after death 
So all before their final breath
Must choose to follow on the way
Of Jesus now and learn to pray

The way is narrow, rough, and steep
But if His word we daily keep
He'll bring us on that final day
The peace and joy we wish today

Let not the faithful learning cease
But evermore the quest increase
To know our Lord in varied ways
And seek Him more throughout our days. 

Let Eucharist be daily sought
And sin confessed before forgot. 
So pride may not a foothold gain
And lead to everlasting pain

Let not my family go astray
Nor follow in the worldly way
And turn their heads away from God 
Then into selfish valleys trod 

Let children be abundant there
And faithful in their family prayer 
Let God be glorified each day
And little ones well taught to pray.

9/29/24 Through 10/5/24

 9/29/24 Through 10/5/24

Remove whatever leads astray
But all that's good may with us stay
Don't cast aside who speaks of Me
In ways to set the captive free.

I use my poor and weakest sons
To shame the rich and haughty ones
That way they all will clearly see
In truth, their wisdom comes from Me.

One by one the disasters fell
But not a sin could Satan tell
For Job had placed his trust above
Believing all was done for love.

How great our faith is called to be
To suffer all calamity
And know somehow it's all for good
Like when He suffered on the wood.

Such strength I wish to gain someday
That I could handle come what may
With faith to trust it's all for good
And shoulder well my share of wood.

The least is called the greatest one
For in humility is won
The prize of favor in His sight
Where least is raised to greatest height.

Resolute determination
As He traveled through the nation
Undeterred by those in fearing
Though the Cross was ever nearing.

On the way the rude rejected
He was not what they expected
Sons of Thunder wanted lightning
Jesus stayed their hands enlightening.

Mercy is what He desires
Sin forgiven stokes the fires
All-consuming love is burning
Sinners to His love are turning

Those in desperation sharing
All their suffering comparing
Never true the measure known
Until the pain becomes our own.

The humble one knows well his place
For all he has, has come from grace.
His every action leads to love
With focus on his home above.

How easy men submit to pride
And focus all on what's inside
They lose the wonder, awe, and fear
That humble find is always near.

A blindness covers all that's good
With bitterness of wormywood
Erudition feeds their pride
But awe and wonder never spied.

A dim and always sad disgrace
When none but foolishness we chase
And angel help is cast aside
With all that's good and true denied.

So, listen for the angel's voice
Let that inform your every choice
This one He gives to be your guide
And save you from the fall of pride.

How true that my Redeemer lives
How true that all I need He gives
The sandals ne'er did wear away
And well He fed us on our way.

Our every need the Lord provides
Our every step the Spirit guides.
One day these eyes shall see His face
One day these arms pure Love embrace.

How foolish is the pride of man
For nay a man on Earth that can
In any way create a thing
Or any way a sunrise bring.

The all we see is but a gift
And even that we cannot sift.
The all has come from God above
And all as gift of purest love.

How vain the thought, we're in control
For none His place has ever stole
None choose the day on which they're born
Or gifts He does with each adorn.

Our task is but to use them well
And others of His goodness tell
To quell the ranks of foolish pride
And always in His grace abide.

Blest are the eyes that see what you see
How demons will flee at the mention of Me.
Behold, what I give is not power alone
But the gift of the Father, whose will is made known.

As so many before wished to see what you see
But time wasn't ripe for the sending of Me.
Now fullness of time has occurred at the last
And little now see what was hidden in past.

His love ever faithful, His love ever kind
A suffering servant the people will find
One who gives all for the good of another,
The Son of our God, Our King and our Brother

Saturday, September 7, 2024

9/22/24 Through 9/28/24

 9/22/24 Through 9/28/24

The passion is coming, but after, I rise
He says it quite plain, but I think it not wise.
Without understanding, afraid to learn more
We walk and we wonder, but fail to explore.

The first will be last.  It's so easy to say,
But doing as such is a much harder way.
The war we regret has its start from within
As in pride, we all clutch to our personal sin.

We argue as if we're the greatest of all
When clearly the problem's our love is so small.
The child much better who hears and obeys
And trusts in the Father whenever he prays.

A passion is coming for each of us here
Some die by the sword, some die by the spear
A passion precedes any glory for all
No matter the great and no matter the small.

The passion of patience, my way of the cross
My way to the bounty through each little loss.
It's one by one that the grapes become wine
Each crushed in the press as they're picked from the vine.

The light is given that it shine
And shine it be the work of thine
Conceal it not, but raise it high
To light the way for passersby.

All hidden here below shall be
Exposed one day for all to see
No secret that will not be known
And wealth on Earth, be useless shown.

The ones that have, shall more receive
But those whom Earthly wealth deceive
Will lose the all that they possessed
And see the poor as richly blest.

Don't be a fool of Earthly fame
But one who shares His Holy Name
And lights the way for all to see
What's true in all reality.

Mother and brother and sister to Me
Are those who will act on My every plea.
The docile, obedient, generous kind
Whose will with the Father is always aligned.

A stream He directs anywhere that He wills
A container for grace that He constantly fills
For obedient slaves that are honored to serve
The highest of places the King will reserve.

Your word has been so good to me
A guiding light, a lamp to see.
It shows me where my heart is wrong
And why, with You, I should belong.

It shows my search for wealth and fame
An ignorant and foolish game
For gold and silver never sate
But on Your word I sit and wait.

One word from You will all surpass
The gold and silver...  withered grass.
The world's honor, wealth, and fame
A passing flow'r in Heaven's game.

Through You alone is wisdom gained
To Earthly pleasures, fools are chained.
So, help me see You're all I need
And nourish in my heart Your seed.

Our refuge Lord in every age
The source of wisdom for the sage
We come from clay and turn to dust
Your word alone is one to trust.

Much like the flow'r or grass afield
To Thee alone, we all must yield.
Our breath of life is like a breeze,
Why should You care for such as these?

It's in your image men were made
And so, to love their Maker bade
But freedom means a will to choose
And so, the way to life we lose.

But Jesus Christ was sent to save
With power o'er the cross and grave.
If we but trust in Him for grace,
He'll lead us to our heav'nly place.

For every purpose, there's a time.
For every word, there comes a rhyme.
A time for birth, a time for death
A time to breathe our final breath.

A time to laugh, with men rejoice
A time to speak in somber voice.
A time for love and time for hate
A time that men, in fear, await.

That time when time itself shall cease
Eternal suffering, or peace
Then time no more can change our way
And light becomes eternal day

A precious thing this time on Earth
No way to know how much it's worth
Until it's gone, no more to be
And then we face eternity

It's dark or light, no more the gray
But here on Earth we choose which way.
All joy and happiness are found
Where truth and love for all abound.

Like every man afraid of death
That time we draw our final breath
We see as futile all we own
When passing to the great unknown.

So many grasp before they go
For worthless pleasures here below
Yet some with courage suffer well
They draw on faith to save from Hell

When Jesus spoke of suffering
Disciples feared to further bring
The conversation with Him then
For they were Earthly-minded men

Christ wanted them to hear and know
The greatest love He came to show
Involved much suffering and pain
But led to everlasting gain

I pray for grace and courage now
To see beyond this life somehow
Accepting all that comes to me
As stepping stones to set me free.