Sunday, August 28, 2016

8/21/16 Through 8/27/16

8/21/16 Through 8/27/16

The narrow path is hard to find
The broad way is quite clear
The pleasure way may twist and wind
But nothing there to fear

I know the Lord, I'm good to go
He loves me all the time
No doubt the Lord will surely know
I wrote some holy rhyme

If doors are closed, to my surprise
He'll surely let me in
But when I finally meet His eyes, 
I recognize my sin

Repent, I must while still a chance
To change my way on earth
In humble stance receive His glance
And find in Him new birth.

Queen of Angels, Queen of Saints
Queen no hint of evil taints
Queen of all that is above
Pure reflection of His love.

Come to me and guide my way
Be my help throughout the day
Make my heart as pure as you
Grant His grace in all I do.

A blinded guide is of no use
A guide that binds and won't set loose
Straining gnats, they swallow still
A camel in their evil swill.

Neglecting that which lies within
They polish up their evil skin
Inside that artificial shine
There dwells an evil vicious swine

The truest child of Israel
Was flayed for Christ, the stories tell
Grant me a faith to his akin
That I would gladly lose my skin

Make ready for the Lord's return
On any given day
In faithfulness and trust we learn
To prosper on the way

And prosper not in terms of gold
But in this simple way
To recognize the hands that hold
Our key to every day

Know we not the day or hour
But we know the strong will cower
Shame will fill the hearts of those
Who willful un-repentance chose.

Hold not against me all my sin
For my remorse cannot begin
To save the beauty that I lost
Except that You have paid the cost.

Restore in me a sinless heart
And once again to me impart
A beauty that is pure and kind
Warm-heartedness, that others find.

A given gift that's never found
A talent buried in the ground
Useless and alike are these
For no one will they ever please

Sunday, August 21, 2016

8/14/16 through 8/20/16

8/14/16 through 8/20/16

Don't stir the pot, but wait on Me
The plan I have is best, you'll see
The Lord knows well what's best for you
For He's the Master of the stew

Now fix your eyes upon the cross
And all the rest just count as loss
For Christ endured the cross and shame
To win for us eternal gain

Arrayed in gold, at Your right hand
The queen in glorious splendor stands
Our model of obedient love
In glory with our God above

A boastful heart so easy found
yet humble ones are true and sound
For all we have is purely gift
In thankfulness our praises lift.

Should envy rule within the heart
Of those who worked all day,
Or joy, that Master does impart
To others equal pay?

Our stony hearts must be removed
For that's the way His love is proved
When idols and all filth are spurned
A heart of flesh is then returned.

When bones are dry and in the grave
They seem impossible to save
But You can give them flesh and skin
And cause a changing from within

But flesh and bone alone are weak
And far yet more is what we seek
We need the breath of life to rise
And meet our maker in the skies

Friday PM
The faith of all the saints in glory
Tells a resurrection story
For with the blood of martyrs spent
He calls the masses to repent.

May we turn from wicked ways
That we may find much brighter days
Then make our land of fruited plains
A land that's free of sinful chains

With humble and repentant hearts
A true prosperity then starts
Raise up an apostolic band
Then bring Your glory to this land.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

8/7/16 Through 8/13/16

8/7/16 Through 8/13/16

Hard at work for what can't last
The same old story as the past
Hanging on to that which flees
Will never be the way to please.

Does not the Teacher pay the tax?
If you, but only, knew the facts.
The subjects are exempt, you see
The foreigners, must pay the fee.
But it will be just as you wish
We'll get the coin from in the fish.

The Word can sweet as honey be
The nourishment of those who see
But most will never read the book,
And judge the Word by how we look.

The greatest pages that they see
Will be the children close to Thee
For know the Kingdom that they seek
Is filled with humble and with meek

A given life, the seed that's sown
The surest way of love that's known
To sway a heart, and change a mind
In hopes that faith, they also find.

When scarcely sown we scarcely reap
To others then the faith looks cheap
But when we pay the greatest price
The faith is found much more than nice.

Forgiving calls us to repent
And with this call, we all are sent
To let the world know how to live
To turn from sin, and sin forgive.

Found naked and without a home
Left on the streets and all alone
I bathed and dressed you, called you Mine
Prepared you for a love divine

Your hair I set with braids and curls
Your neck I draped in finest pearls
In robes of silk embroidery
I made you more than royalty

A beauty pure, but not complete
Your beauty squandered on the street
A beauty made for love divine
Your beauty cast among the swine

One made for love, but lost in lust
Finds no one on this earth to trust
But shame and silence enter in
When out of love, I pardon sin.

Friday PM
Here I come not just to pray
But here to listen and obey.
A quiet place to hear Your voice
And ponder how to make a choice

Lord strip away the greed and pride
And all that clings to me inside
Let me detach from all these things
And see what pure devotion brings.

The childlike You call Your own
In them we find Your joy made known
No care on earth disturbs them when
They find Your favor once again

Sunday, August 7, 2016

7/31/16 Through 8/6/16

7/31/16 Through 8/6/16

Oh vanity of vanities
No creature here on earth can please
No wealth or riches, fortune, fame
To rival what the poor can claim

Though seeming here so destitute
Possessing joy one can't refute
For when love permeates the soul
We are complete, we are made whole.

With bread of life may I be fed
Attachment to the world be shed
And then within Your presence find
The treasure of my heart refined.

What little faith I have in Him 
Who walked across the sea
When stepping out to sink or swim
He reaches out to me.

I want to find that solid rock
But waves beneath my feet
Create in me a mental block
That leads me to defeat

Someday I may be strong enough
To do it on my own
But that's the day when sure enough
I find myself alone

My gaze must fix upon His eyes
That beckon, "Come to Me."
For what will steady one who tries
Is grace that comes from Thee.

The greatest strength in every man
Is weakness to the king,
But lean on Him, the faithful can
And He refreshment brings.

Our every care is His concern
There's none too large or small
By trusting Him the faithful learn
He cares for one and all.

Jesus help my will conform
According to your way
From sinfulness my life reform
To follow and obey

For now I think as mortal man
Not in Your loving way
Help me to work within Your plan
And guide the things I say.

Oh mother spark within your child
The grace to never be defiled
The grace to love my daily cross
The grace to count the world as loss.

Transfigured right before their eyes
On mountaintop, removed disguise
The Father's voice from in the cloud
This is my Son of whom I'm proud

Yet on the plain, down here below
The plot took shape we've come to know
A shameful death the elders say
Will rid our nation of this Way.

So marred beyond the face of man,
How could this be within the plan?
Yet what the elders saw as loss,
Became the Triumph of the Cross.

And now in glory shining bright
He reigns in victory o're the night
No longer must we walk in fright,
But be transfigured by His light.